Sunday, September 30, 2012


I used to hate taking pictures and getting my picture taken.  I still hate getting my picture taken.  However, I love taking pictures.  Years from now I can look back at pictures I took and just reminisce about the amazing times that I have had.  That's why I love taking pictures when I'm on vacation now.  I just spent about 30 minutes going through my Facebook looking at the pictures taken of me and some of my albums of pictures I took.  It brought back memories, as pictures always do.  Since I have been on Facebook for 7 years, I had a lot of pictures.  I don't have thousands like a lot of people do.  But I have about 300.  There were times while looking through them that I definitely had forgotten that memory and then remembered it as I saw the picture.  I mainly looked through the pictures from my two cruises.  Every time I look at them, I have a huge smile on my face and want to go back.  There is no place I'd rather be at any time than on a beach relaxing!  I looked at prices for cruises during my February break.  A 5 day cruise was cheaper than the one I took in August.  Unfortunately, airfare was way too much.  I know I'll go on another cruise eventually.  I have no idea when, though. 

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Great Escape

My friends and I went to Great Escape today.  It was cold, but awesome because there were no lines!  I think the rain kept people away.  This was my first time going to the Great Escape in probably about five years.  Today, since we had a single day ticket, we had the opportunity to buy a season pass and free parking for the remainder of this year and all of next year at any 6 Flags in the country for only $25!!!  That is cheaper than a one day admission.  It's $20 to park a car alone!  Obviously we bought that deal.  If we go once, it will be worth it.  We plan to go more than that.  Who knows if we will?  We will be going at least one more time this year for fright fest to make the pass worth it.  On top of that, my book is already available on Amazon!  It's amazing how fast the book became available for sale.  I'm very excited about that!  I've already sold two copies.  Both to my friends, but that's ok!  That's how the word gets spread.  We will see how many people buy this one!

Friday, September 28, 2012

I love quick service

My illustrator emailed me earlier this morning and said he would look at my picture tonight.  At about 7:30, I got an email from him with a picture with the hands moved away from the edges of the book.  I uploaded that file for my cover and it works perfectly!  My illustrator was worth the big bucks that I paid.  He was fast, efficient, and the picture is excellent.  When I was in school, I hated when teachers took weeks to grade tests.  I had a social studies teacher that always took forever to hand stuff back.  My goal is to grade big tests and projects as quickly, yet effectively as possible.  People enjoy when things are done quickly.  I can't thank my illustrator enough for his quick, hard work!  My book will be available on Amazon within a week!

Thursday, September 27, 2012

The book is done!

I finished editing tonight!  I uploaded the book to Create Space as well as the cover.  However, part of the cover will cut off if I leave it that way.  Therefore, I am not submitting it yet.  I emailed the illustrator to see if it would be an easy fix.  Hopefully he will get back to me quickly.  If it's not an easy fix, I will submit it anyway and hope that Create Space doesn't turn it down like last time.  I don't think they will turn it down because it's not the words that are getting cut off this time.  It's only body parts.  I wish I had more patience.  I want my book now!  Oh well, the hard work is done!  That's the important part!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Roughly one...week...away!

If everything goes according to plan, my book will be available to the public by the end of next week!  I was hoping to finish editing the entire book today.  I started from the beginning one more time and got through 18 of the 27 chapters.  That's not bad considering I did some shopping today and visited my grandparents.  That's right.  I went to my Jewish grandparents house for lunch on Yom Kippur.  So much for fasting!  I hope to finish editing the book tomorrow.  Then, I submit the file to Create Space and it takes about two days for them to make sure everything is okay.  I think I then submit my cover for review to make sure that is good.  That will take another two days or more.  With my first book, The title of the book on the cover was too close to the edge and they would not accept it.  I had to contact my illustrator and he had to make the title smaller.  I'm hoping that isn't the case with this cover!  If so, I will have to ask my illustrator to fix it a little bit.  Then my book will not be out next week.  Although I have greatly enjoyed writing this book, I am definitely ready for it to be done.  It is very tedious and exhausting work.  I can't imagine how much work "real" authors go through.  I'm nowhere near John Grisham who has about 21 400 plus page books.  My two books combined are nowhere near 400 pages.  I'm completely fine with that, though.  Writing over 300 pages for two books is a huge accomplishment for me!  You will definitely know when the book is for sale for the public to buy!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012


Tomorrow is Yom Kippur.  That's a Jewish holiday where they fast from sunrise to sunset.  Fasting means that they do not eat or drink anything.  I have no idea why they do this.  I also have no idea why the term is called fasting.  It's not a fast process.  I am half Jewish so I will half fast.  I will eat half as much as I normally do.  Hahaha!  Right!  I'll eat my usual large amount of food.  I wouldn't be able to last all day without food and drink.  I'm always hungry and thirsty.  It's not healthy to go that long without food and drink.  Many religious people will do it anyways.  My grandparents used to fast.  Now that they are older and have to take 34493849 different pills, they cannot fast.  They have to have food and drink in them or there would be serious problems.  I am thankful to have the day off from work, though!  How can I complain when I have two days of work, a day off, then two days of work.  I wish all work weeks were like that!

Monday, September 24, 2012

Change in Temperature

I'm not really sure why I titled this "Change in Temperature" because the temperature changes multiple times a day.  However, this drastic change from warm to cold has left many people with colds.  I am unfortunately one of those people.  One side of my nose was clogged last night.  Magically over night, it traveled from one side to the other.  The one side that was clogged is not and the other that wasn't clogged is.  Strange!  This morning, I sounded like an old man that has been smoking for many years.  Oh well.  There's nothing I can do besides just ride it out.  Luckily I have Wednesday off!  I plan to do a ton of editing that day.  I am completely finished with my first edits.  Now I'm going through and fixing the stuff my mom edited.  In one part, I put "where" instead of "wear" as in wearing clothes.  I didn't notice it when I edited, but my mom did.  That's why I need to go through the book at least one more time before I call it done.  There is always something that can be changed.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Time Flies

One year ago today, I got the position I currently hold as a computer aide at an elementary school.  I started four days later.  I can't believe that it has been that long already.  I can honestly say that I hope I don't have this job next year.  Although I do like it, obviously my ultimate goal is to be a teacher and not an aide.  That's no secret in my school.  Almost every teacher and my principal are fully aware that I want out.  With that said, I still give 100% in everything I do in this job.  I will not stop trying because that's not who I am.  If I didn't do work, I know I'd be fired in a heart beat.  I just need to keep plugging along and good things will happen.  I wish I had more patience.  It's so hard to have a Master's degree and no teaching job.  The more I do in the district, the more I will get noticed.  Hopefully once the newspaper club gets rolling, the right people will recognize my hard work.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Yankees Extra Innings Win

What a crazy game today!  It took five hours and 43 minutes!  It was 14 innings.  After nine, it was tied at 5.  In either the 11th or 12th, the A's had the bases loaded with two outs.  The guy hit a strong line drive down first base but the first baseman dove and made the out to save runs.  In the 13th, the A's had 3 home runs to take a 9-5 lead.  The Yankees miraculously tied it back up in the bottom of the inning and then scored one to win in the bottom of the 14th.  They had to have a lot of guts and perseverance to win that game.  They could have easily given up after being down 4.  Now they still hold a one game lead in the AL East.  That was their 2nd straight walk off extra inning win.  Hopefully tomorrow they win easily and the Orioles need to lose a game!  We will see what happens.  My main concern tomorrow is watching the Cowboys beat the Bucs.  Yup, they are actually on TV!

Friday, September 21, 2012

The positives and negatives of fall

The sixth graders came into the lab today.  Once they finished what they had to do on the computer, they were told to write anything they wanted in their journals.  Naturally, none of them knew what to write about.  I kept throwing out suggestions.  One that I repeatedly said was write what you like and dislike about fall.  Since I kept saying it, I decided to write about it myself.  I love fall for the real apple cider doughnuts and apple cider.  I love fall because football season starts.  I love fall because it's almost time for the baseball playoffs.  College basketball starts in the fall and I that is one of my favorite sports.  I do not like fall because I cannot stand raking.  I don't like fall because it starts to get colder.  I will take the warm over the cold any day, even though I went to Potsdam where they have two seasons, Winter and July.  I thought I had more dislikes than those two.  They definitely out way the likes though.  I don't like spending my days off raking.  Oh well, you gotta do what ya gotta do.  If the sixth graders wrote half as much as I did just know, I'd be happy.  Did they?  Of course not!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Dress Down Days

I wear a shirt and tie to work almost everyday.  This is even when I have to clean off loads of dust on computers and get on my hands and knees plugging cords in and whatnot.  When I was in college, I said I would never dress down as a teacher when the school has dress down days.  Well, I lied!  As I started teaching, I realized that almost every teacher dresses down.  They typically have dress down days around twice a month.  Naturally, every dress down day is for a good cause.  We are asked to donate a small amount of money to whatever cause if we dress down.  Normally we have those days on Friday's.  This week, we had it today.  I planned on dressing down.  However, I completely forgot.  Who has dress down days on Thursdays?  I wore my shirt and tie today and was pretty much the only teacher dressed up.  I don't think I even have to dress up too much because my principal knows that I do a lot of work that could get my clothes dirty.  I dress up anyways to look professional.  I don't mind it at all.  I used to hate dressing up.  Since I do it five days a week now, I have no problem doing it.  I must say, I do look good with nice clothes on.  I wore my favorite shirt today, my teal one.  I think I have gotten a compliment while wearing that shirt almost every day that I've worn it from a different teacher each time.  Maybe I will remember to dress down next time we have a dress down day!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Colleagues with my former teacher

I had a teacher in kindergarten (as did everyone!) and I had her again in sixth grade.  When I was substitute teaching, it was strange working with her as oppose to having her teach me.  I even substitute taught in her class for her one day.  Now she is working with the teachers in my building.  Today, she came to my lab to show me the program the teachers and students are doing.  I'm sure it is strange for her too.  She was talking to me like an adult that knows about teaching instead of as a kindergarten student like she did 20 years ago.  I still cannot bring myself to call her by her first name in person.  When I talk to other teachers about her, I say her first name to them.  Even that's challenging for me.  She has told me it's okay to call her by her first name.  Considering she is my colleague now, I really need to get used to calling her by her first name instead of always saying Mrs. (name).  Wouldn't you find it difficult to call your former teacher by his or her first name?

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Days are flying by!

Normally the first full week of school drags on for me.  It doesn't matter if I'm in high school, college, or an educator.  It always seems to drag.  Last week was the first full week of school and it flew.  This week is flying, too.  I had three hours today in the morning without classes.  Since I am finally almost caught up with all of the work I have to do, I didn't know how fast the time would go.  Well, it went fast!  I had teachers coming to me with problems.  Unfortunately, I couldn't fix some of them.  Sometimes you can only work on it for so long before you give it a rest for the day.  We will see what issues tomorrow brings.  No matter what problems I face, I'm sure the day will go fast.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Replacement Refs need to go!

The regular referees for the NFL are on strike because of money, what a shock.  The replacement refs are doing a horrific job.  I just watched the first half of the football game and it took almost two hours!  That's much longer than usual.  The refs have no control over the players at all.  The players and coaches have no respect for the refs.  They are making horrible calls and are unable to break up fights.  300 pound men fighting is hard for anyone to break up.  However, the regular referees can stop them because they have much more experience and authority than these "substitute" refs.  These refs don't seem to know the rules of the game.  I do feel bad for them because it isn't their choice to be a replacement ref.  They are in a very tough situation.  However, they should have gotten more training and they need to do a better job learning about when to call a penalty.  They really need to gain control of the game, too.  They can't have the coaches and players walking all over them like they have been this week.  We will see how next week goes.

Sunday, September 16, 2012


I was out with my friends yesterday and this morning I was thinking about conversations.  I wasn't really thinking about what we talked about last night.  Rather, I was thinking about how conversations start.  We were out for over two hours and I think we were talking pretty much the entire time.  It's very interesting to think that someone starts the conversation with something and them someone chimes in with a story that reminds another person of something which reminds someone of another story that brings up another story and so on.  Yes, I think too much.  But seriously, it's interesting that conversations just seem to naturally flow off from story to story and you end up having great conversations that probably started with a simple, "Hi". 

I found a few more stupid errors while lightly editing so far.  One error was that I typed the word "if" in the chapter title instead of "of".  I would be so embarrassed if someone were to see that mistake.  I really have to take my time while editing so that it can be as perfect as possible.  This is my least favorite part of the writing process, but the most important.  I want my book to be out for sale, but I have to find patience somewhere within me.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

It's a good thing I edit

I sent my book to my mom so she could look at it.  One of the very first pages says also by Shane Paceli The Teacher That Didn't Teach.  That's right, I spelled my name wrong!  I can't imagine how embarrassed I would have been if I sent in the book that way.  I only edited that page.  I have a long ways to go.  Obviously nothing will get done tomorrow because of football.  My mom also told me that I should only have one space after each period.  I know that the rules changed so that that could happen.  However, I have always done two spaces after each sentence and will continue to do so.  I will not go through my entire book and change it to one space.  That's ridiculous!  Good night!

Friday, September 14, 2012

Time to Edit

I finished writing my book!  Now it is time to extreme edit.  For my first book, I edited each chapter as I went along and that was it.  This book, I would write a chapter and then edit it as I did last book.  Now, I am going to read the entire book and look for more mistakes.  As I said a few days ago, I do not want to publish the book and find more mistakes.  I want it to be as perfect as possible.  Sometimes my four eyes can't catch everything.  I sent my book to a friend and my mom to help me edit it.  I'm worried my mom is going to tear it apart by telling me that I should reword a lot of it.  I have the final say in it though since it's my book.  Since I am not made of money, I cannot afford a copy editor that charges five cents a word.  At 45,000 words, that's only $2,250 for someone to check for spelling and grammar.  No thanks.  That's what makes writing these books so special for me.  I write, format, and edit it all without any professional help.  Does that make the book less marketable?  Probably.  Since I am only self-published on Create Space, which is free for me to publish, it doesn't get much advertising.  Other self-publishers can cost thousands of dollars and then they don't advertise your book!  Although I haven't sold too many copies of my first book, I feel so accomplished because I did all of the work myself.  Who knows?  Maybe one day the right person will find it and the rest will be history.  One can only dream!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

School Newspaper

I am very excited to get started on the school newspaper.  I talked to my principal briefly today during a breather at open house.  I told her that I already made a permission slip that I want her to look over before I give it to kids.  I also want to talk over some details with her.  I plan on meeting with kids twice a month and publish the newspaper once every month.  I have no idea how many kids will be interested in this activity.  I'm hoping at least a few kids will want to show their writing and computer skills since I found a template online that I plan to utilize.  I also think this will be a great way to get kids started out in clubs since I am offering this to older kids.  Once they graduate from this school, they will go on to middle school where there will be so many more clubs that they can join.  Hopefully we will have our first interest meeting by the end of the month!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

One more chapter!

I only have one more chapter to write in my book!  When I finish that, I am far from done.  I still want to read the book over at least two more times to make sure I worded everything the way I want it to be, grammar is correct, and there are no spelling errors.  In my first book, I rushed and just published it before many edits were made.  After reading over it, I noticed many mistakes and had to republish it two more times.  I don't want to waste all of that money again.  Then, I need to come up with what the back cover is going to say.  I wrote the first two sentences of the back cover awhile ago.  Now I need to think of the rest.  I'm sure it will flow as easily as my typing right now is once I sit down and do it.  Speaking of typing with a flow, a fifth grade class came to the lab today and their assignment was to write about anything and keep writing until they were told to stop.  A few students did very well.  There were some others that wrote one sentence and said they were done.  One kid wrote one sentence about his summer.  I told him I could write a book about my summer.  Give me details.  He only wrote a few more sentences after that.  My goal is for my students to write creatively with lots of vivid details.  That's why I want them writing every single day like I do.  I don't know if you know this, but I really want my own classroom teaching a grade level instead of all of K-6!  I love this job, but want more!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Full Time Work=More tired me

This is my first full week back to school.  It's only Tuesday and I feel more tired than usual.  Last week I worked 4 very full days.  I'm not sure why I'm so tired tonight when I wasn't too tired last week.  It didn't help that I went back to school for two and a half hours tonight for open house.  I will be going back to school again Thursday night for another open house.  I have to do what I have to do, right?  I'm sure once I get into the swing of things, I'll be back to my regular amount of tiredness.  I obviously cannot leave my blog today without mentioning 9/11/01 when I was in 9th grade.  My principal came on the loud speaker and said that a plane hit a tower.  My honest reaction at that time was, "Okay, who cares?"  It was not until I got home from school that I realized how bad it was.  Such a horrible day where we lost thousands innocent people on a terrorist attack.  We will never forget.  My thoughts go out to everyone who knows someone that lost their life on that day 11 years ago.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Magnificent Monday?

Yes, you read correctly.  I actually had a great Monday.  I know, I know.  That's practically an oxymoron.  Today was very productive for me.  I only had one half hour class come in.  I love when the kids come in.  It keeps me busy and I love working with them.  However, it was great to have practically no one come to the lab today because I had a ton of paperwork to catch up on.  I was able to finish all of that.  There is still a lot I have to do, but I feel a lot less overwhelmed today than I did Friday.  At around 2 today, I received an email from someone I don't know talking about my book.  This person said that she wanted to let me know that she is reading my book to her fifth and sixth graders and they love it!  That was the first time I have ever received any positive feedback from someone I did not know about my book!  Not too many people that don't know me have bought my book.  I emailed her back thanking her and asking her how she heard about me.  She said she was browsing around the Little Book House and thought my book would be a fun read for the beginning of the year.  I told her about the sequel coming out by October.  Now the kids will have something to look forward to!  I cannot begin to tell you how amazing I felt after that email.  It was so nice of this person to buy my book, read it to her students, and then take the time out of her busy schedule to find this blog, find my email, and send that positive note.  She motivated me to work on my book tonight and hopefully finish it.  However, the U. S Open tennis finals was on.  It lasted 5 hours!  I watched the thriller and was too tired to do anything else.  That one little note of encouragement will keep me positive throughout this very busy first full week of school.  My message to you is to take time to give people a compliment about anything.  There's no better feeling in the world than receiving that compliment!

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Sundays are meant for watching football

Don't expect me to do anything productive on Sundays for the next six months.  Yes, I will still be working 7-12 every week at the grocery store.  After that, I will not look away from the TV screen from 1pm until about 11:30 at night.  It depends on what the Sunday night game is.  As you can see, it's only 9:43 and I'm not watching tonight's football game.  I'm pretty tired and am probably heading to bed shortly.  I attempt to be productive on Saturdays because I know I won't get anything done on Sundays.  I remember in college, I would do homework all day Saturday so that I would have Sunday free.  It's all about budgeting your time.  After one week of football, I am proud to say that the Dallas Cowboys are undefeated.  I know 15 other teams will also be undefeated after tomorrow night.  However, I'm proud to say that my team is one of the undefeated ones.  Let's see how long that will last...

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Finally joined the gym

After three months without going to the gym, I joined one today.  I ran 3.5 miles on the treadmill without any pain in my legs.  I was shocked!  A few hours later, I stupidly played tennis.  How I survived tennis is a mystery.  Then I negated all of my working out by going out to dinner.  What a shock.  Oh well.  Now that I have my gym membership, hopefully I will go more often and become extremely buff, haha, right.  We will see...

Friday, September 7, 2012


Now that NYS has a new law on bullying, teachers need to document everything they see.  I was told by a family friend that her daughter is still getting picked on.  I wish I was her teacher because the person who is picking on her would not be happy with the consequences.  I don't understand why people feel the need to make fun of people.  Don't they have anything better to do?  What are their parents teaching them?  I don't understand how these kids can think that it's okay to call someone fat, stupid, four-eyes, or any other derogatory name they can think of.  I thought that having this law in place would stop these horrible things from happening.  I know the law just started, but this is common sense.  If someone is being hurt, it needs to stop.  I could probably write a book about this topic since it aggravates me so much.  Maybe that will be my fourth book, who knows?  I'm too tired to write any more on the topic.  The moral of the story is that kids need to stop making fun of each other.  If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it at all.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

1 down, 179 to go

Okay, I won't write about work every single week day, I promise.  I started off the day at my school going in earlier than usual to get things done.  Yet I still had teachers coming to me that early in the morning for help.  We have a dedicated group of teachers.  The kids come in at 8:05.  I got to work just before 7.  There were several teachers there already!  Anyways, I went to the high school around 10 for a meeting.  It was bad timing.  Naturally I arrived there as the kids were on their mid morning break.  Trying to weave my way through the crowd was near impossible.  Also, the high school kids are huge!  Many of them were bigger than me!  Luckily tomorrows meeting should only be until around noon.  That will give me the opportunity to work with the kids in my school in the afternoon.  I know a few teachers plan on bringing their kids to the lab already.  That works for me!  The best part about my job is working with the kids.  Until tomorrow, see ya!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Antother Crazy Day, Awesome Ending Though

I was at school until 4:30 today and was nowhere near done with everything I had to do.  So, I brought home work to do which I rarely ever do since I'm only an aide.  However, I needed to put the students' log in cards in their new classes and make sure that was set.  I also wanted to cut out some laminated shapes that I made today.  At least I finally cleaned off my desk of all the junk that has been sitting on it for over a week.  You know I'm a dedicated educator when I am cutting up shapes for school while watching my Dallas Cowboys play.  On the bright side, the Cowboys won the first game of the season!  On top of that, they beat the arch rival NY Giants.  That makes it even sweeter.  Off to bed, school begins tomorrow!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Let the school year begin

Today was officially the first day back to school for all teachers.  Since I am a brown noser, I showed up to staff development, too.  So many people asked me how my first day back was.  Well, all of those people that asked me that know that I have been working in the schools all summer.  They also know that I went back to my school last week to start setting up.  Therefore, I have no idea why they asked me how my first day went.  I technically didn't have a first day back today.  It sure didn't feel like my first day back.  It was busy and the end of the day was stressful.  I planned on leaving at 3 and didn't get out until 4:15.  So many teachers have had printer problems.  I have been able to fix most.  However, two of them I cannot fix for whatever reason.  Naturally, when I need help, I don't get it in a timely manner.  Hopefully the appropriate people will be able to help me tomorrow.  Our district people also talked about the very controversial APPR.  That's New York's new way of evaluating teachers based on how their students perform on the state tests.  I truly believe that our district is implementing this new law in the fairest way possible.  Obviously it's going to upset people, but the law is the law.  As the saying goes, "I fought the law and the law won".  Therefore, why bother trying to fight it.  Let's embrace it and see what happens.  Tomorrow we are learning about the Dignity for All Students Act (DASA).  After that it's back to school for more meetings and setting up.  I am looking forward to next Monday so that I can be in my room with the kids instead of at meetings.  Although I know they are beneficial, I prefer spending time in my room doing what I love!

Monday, September 3, 2012

Saratoga Season ends, School Begins

Today ended yet another 40-day meet at Saratoga Race course.  This means several things.  One: I get my life back.  I normally spend hours at night handicapping the next days' races and then spend all day trying to craft out the perfect bets.  Two: I get to save money.  I had a few nice hits this year, only to give it all back and then some.  As the saying goes, you win some and lose some.  Three: now that the meet is over, school starts for teachers tomorrow and kids on Thursday.  I know every parent out there will be doing a little dance on Thursday as their children get on the school bus.  Although racing is over at Saratoga, it continues at Belmont Park on Saturday.  I won't be handicapping nearly as much.  However, with the Breeder's Cup coming up in early November, I will definitely be paying attention to as many races as I can.  I am not your typical casual Saratoga horse racing fan.  I love the sport and look forward to watching it for many, many more years.  I hope to be lucky enough to see a triple crown in my life time.  I think it's amazing to live less than half an hour from one of the most famous race tracks in America.  Even on the cruise when I told people I am from Albany, they would ask about the race course.  I have read many comments about how Saratoga attracts the best racing in the world.  After watching every single race throughout the 40 days this summer, I could not agree with that statement more.  Luckily for my wallet, they only race here 40 days a year instead of 365.  Good bye Saratoga, until next year.

Sunday, September 2, 2012


I can't believe that this is my 100th blog post!  Crazy!  Time flies.  Anyways...every Sunday I work 7-12 at the grocery store.  Every Sunday I wake up early and am ridiculously tired.  Every Sunday I say I am going to take a nap when I get home from work and I never do.  Today, I said I am going to take a nap when I'm done with work.  I finally did just that.  I took about an hour nap.  The worst part about naps is waking up because I always feel so groggy.  I remember as a kid my mom would tell me to take a nap and I would refuse to.  As an adult, we cherish the chance to take a nap since it never happens.  It's funny how our view on naps changes as we get older.  I took advantage of my nap today since I know I won't be taking naps for the next 17 Sundays.  That's right, football starts this Wednesday with my Dallas Cowboys hopefully beating the NY Giants.  I also spent today writing a chapter in my book!  I can't tell you the last time I worked on my book.  Only three more to go!

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Back to work

After two glorious Sunday's off from the grocery store, I go back in a few hours.  I'm glad I chose the day before Labor Day to go back.  I'm sure it won't be busy at all.  By the way, that was sarcasm!  I better attempt to get some ZZZZZZZZZZ before I go in tomorrow, peace.