Friday, September 14, 2012

Time to Edit

I finished writing my book!  Now it is time to extreme edit.  For my first book, I edited each chapter as I went along and that was it.  This book, I would write a chapter and then edit it as I did last book.  Now, I am going to read the entire book and look for more mistakes.  As I said a few days ago, I do not want to publish the book and find more mistakes.  I want it to be as perfect as possible.  Sometimes my four eyes can't catch everything.  I sent my book to a friend and my mom to help me edit it.  I'm worried my mom is going to tear it apart by telling me that I should reword a lot of it.  I have the final say in it though since it's my book.  Since I am not made of money, I cannot afford a copy editor that charges five cents a word.  At 45,000 words, that's only $2,250 for someone to check for spelling and grammar.  No thanks.  That's what makes writing these books so special for me.  I write, format, and edit it all without any professional help.  Does that make the book less marketable?  Probably.  Since I am only self-published on Create Space, which is free for me to publish, it doesn't get much advertising.  Other self-publishers can cost thousands of dollars and then they don't advertise your book!  Although I haven't sold too many copies of my first book, I feel so accomplished because I did all of the work myself.  Who knows?  Maybe one day the right person will find it and the rest will be history.  One can only dream!

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