Thursday, October 25, 2012

Kids Voting

There's a website that allows students to vote for president.  Our school signed up so that our students can vote.  I have had several classes come to the lab and vote.  This includes kindergarten students.  I feel like this program should be limited to grades 4 and up.  Kids that are younger than that will not understand who they are picking and what it all means.  Obviously it is just for fun.  However, I think it would be slightly more accurate if it were only older kids voting.  Then again, since we are a democratic state, many of the kids probably chose President Obama because they have listened to their parents talking about it.  Naturally, after each student voted, they asked each other who they voted for.  We tried to explain that it's a private decision.  Kids don't care, though.  We will find out sometime next week how the entire school voted.  We will see how that stacks up to the actual election in 2 weeks.

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