Thursday, February 7, 2013

Publishing Contract or Teaching Job

If I was lucky enough to have someone say, "You have a choice, you can have an elementary teaching job or you can have a publishing contract but you must choose one," which one would I choose?  That's an easy decision.  I have wanted to teach since 6th grade.  I went through 5 and a half years of college to get my 2 degrees.  I have had one book published for a year and a half and another for half a year.  I never thought of myself as a writer until recently.  With a publishing contract, I have the potential to make a lot of money.  With a teaching job, I can change kids' lives.  My books won't change people's lives.  I think it can spark an interest in reading a little bit for kids, but nothing like Harry Potter.  I would much rather have a teaching job than a publishing contract.  I thought of this blog yesterday or this morning.  I can't keep track of time anymore.  When I thought of it, it wasn't even a question.  I never even thought about taking a publishing contract instead of a teaching job.  Getting a teaching job is what I've worked harder than anything for.  I have worked years and years to get a teaching job.  I've only worked for a little over a year on getting a publisher.  My dream is to be a teacher.  Unfortunately, I was not given the choice of having either job.  I will continue to fight for both.  I know a teaching job will come eventually.

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