Sunday, April 28, 2013

Just Over a Year

It's been a little bit over a year since I started seriously researching how to get more people to buy my books. At this time, I had my first book on No one buys books off of that website. I didn't have a cover for that one. My book was available on kindle, but it was $5.99 and no one was buying it (for good reason). I had also just started this blog and Twitter. I found CreateSpace and could upload the cover that was created for the kindle version of my book. Once my contract with this guy for my kindle book was up in June 2012, I uploaded the kindle version for 99 cents. The hard copy was available a month before that on Amazon. Since then, I have created 2 more books and sold well over 2,000 copies of the three books combined! Yes, 1,750 of the books were given away for free on kindle. However, I've sold over 400 where I am collecting royalties! I'm no J. K. Rowling, but for me, that's a lot! That's well over a book sold a day. I didn't expect that many copies to be sold in my wildest dreams. Have a spent more money so far on the covers and formatting my books than I have collected from royalties? Absolutely. Do I care? Not at all! My goal with writing the first book was for exposure. I'm starting to get that by giving away so many free copies. I only gave away my books for free once this month. I'm not sure if/when I'm going to do it again. Since the books have been selling fairly well, I feel no need to give them away for free. I also just surpassed the 5,000 view mark on this blog! That's a ton of views in one year! I have an idea for the 3rd book in "The Teacher That" series in my head and some notes in my iPhone. I have no idea when I'm going to start outlining it. I don't know if I have enough information for a book, but outlining my thoughts will help me decide that. It's just a matter of sitting down and working on it. With all of the other things I'm focusing on right now, it just hasn't happened. You never know what life is going to throw at you. I continue to take things one day at a time. When the timing is right, I will start outlining my ideas for my next book!

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