I have gotten 3 bad reviews for Cleanup in Aisle 4: Grocery Store Don'ts. Every review I have gotten has been a bad one. I'm going to copy and paste those reviews in this post and review the reviews. Of course I get upset when I get bad reviews. My first thought when I saw two on the same day was that everyone hates my book. In the grand scheme of things, who cares? Not everyone is going to love even the most popular books. That's just the way it is. Here was the first review:
2-star- subject: Cleanup
"I thought this book would be funny, I was sadly mistaken. While I do
agree with most of what the author says, some of it is outrageous (and
kinda pissed me off). While shopping at 10am would be ideal, most people
have daytime jobs or have to bring their kids (who wouldn't want to go
shopping without bringing kids if they could!). This author REPEATEDLY
said while he is scanning your groceries YOU had better be bagging them
(even though he also states he is a professional bagger) and here I
thought bagging was in the cashier's job description. I, personally, bag
my own groceries because I don't want my bread smashed.
one from a customer to a cashier: If I'm spending $250 - $300 on
groceries and you have 2 belts (one I place my items on and one you
place items on after scanning) don't leave the lower belt on and squish
all my food before I can get down there and bag it because I'm still
placing my order on the 1st belt."
The ratings go from 1-5 stars. Clearly this reader didn't like my book. Why I received more than one star is beyond me.
1-star- subject: Don't.....
"Never a positive - always a negative. After reading this book, I feel
like the customer is a major inconvenience to the author. Glad the book
was free ..... "
I would like to mention that she wrote that review on the first day that I offered the book for free. That means she read the entire thing from start to finish in one day. I know my book is not long at all and can easily be read in an hour or two. However, if you didn't like it at all and it was free, you could have easily stopped reading.
3-star- subject: Interesting Book
"He needed better editing, and could have had a better attitude towards
customers. It was an interesting view of a grocery store. Looking with
a little a different angle it could be a very funny book."
I love the first line of this review because in her third sentence, she made a big grammar mistake! Maybe this reviewer should have edited her post before hitting send! That review is almost a positive one. So far, Cleanup in Aisle 4: Grocery Store Don'ts isn't selling too well. Most of my sales are for books one and two. I'm okay with that. So far it has been a failed experiment. It happens. Life goes on.
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