Friday, June 21, 2013

Where are my Books Being Sold?

Not counting the free days for my books, I have sold over 500 copies total! I have no idea who is buying them and where they are buying from. I know I have sold 14 books in Japan! I have sold some in England. Naturally almost all of them have been sold in the United States. Amazon does not tell me where my customers are buying from. I'd be interested in knowing. I also want to know how they found my book and why they are buying it. Did someone recommend it? Did they see me post something on Twitter? Are they taking a chance on a book that sounds good? Last month I sold 97 books. This month I have already sold 64 books. Clearly the word is getting out about my books. I know there are millions of people in the US alone and that 500 isn't a large number comparatively. However, in order for 500 people to buy my books, the word has to be getting out there somehow. To whoever is helping promote my books, thank you!

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