I just skimmed through my blog titled 2012: A Year in Review and saw some of my plans for 2013. Here they were:
-Atlantic City for 2 nights, 3 days during my February vacation.
-Cedar Point amusement park in Sandusky, Ohio in late June or Early July
-7-day cruise to Port Canaveral, Nassau, and Freeport in August
-LESS trips to Turning Stone
-More trips to the gym and hopefully less food consumed overall...
-More focus on reading, writing, and being productive at nights after work
-My grocery store book will be published sometime this year
-Pushing harder than ever to get a teaching job anywhere
-To live life without thinking about, "What if I did (such and such) differently?"
I did go to Atlantic City and had an amazing time. I did not go to Cedar Point because instead I went to North Carolina for a job fair and was unsuccessful in getting a job in that part of North Carolina. I went on my 7 day cruise and had an incredible time as always. According to my records, I went to Turning Stone 8 times in 2012 and 7 times this year. Yay, I was successful in going to Turning Stone less this year, haha. I was really good about going to the gym this year. I went three times a week very often with the exception of summer where I never went but instead I played a lot of tennis. Unfortunately, I consumed a lot of food. However, I am about 6 pounds lighter this year at this time than I was last year at this time. I published my grocery store book in February and finished writing my 3rd "The Teacher That..." book last month. I will have that out some time in 2014. I definitely pushed myself harder than ever to get a teaching job and was successful on December 11. Yes, I got that job in a completely different state than New York. Because of that, I definitely don't have to live my life thinking, What if I didn't accept that job? or What if I didn't see the Facebook post from my friend and email my resume to the principal? 2013 was a pretty good year overall. I really haven't thought about my goals for 2014. I finally have my teaching job and will start on January 21. That was always my goal since 6th grade. I have no idea if I'll stay in North Carolina or look for teaching jobs in New York for next school year. I can definitely see me loving North Carolina. I'll take each day one day at a time and see what happens with 2014. Keep shooting for your dreams and take risks. You will never know unless you try!
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