Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Getting Much Better

I'm getting much better in all senses of the word. I started to feel sick on Thursday night. Sunday and yesterday were my worst days. I was coughing, sneezing, had a runny nose, and a sore throat. I went to bed early last night, took NyQuil and felt a million times better today. I'm still a little congested, but nothing like I was this past weekend or yesterday. I'm also getting much better at staying on top of things. I don't feel nearly as overwhelmed as I have been. I haven't stayed at school until 5:30 or so like I normally do. My new goal is to leave by 4 each day, which I think is very doable, unless I have a meeting in the afternoon. I also find myself not yelling at kids like I did last year. My mentor this year is very big about me not yelling at kids. Although I mostly don't agree with her on that, I am trying my best not to yell and it's making me happier. Overall, my experience at my new school has been 587349847 times better than last year!

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