Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Filing Taxes

I went to my bank today to have them file my taxes since I finally received all the papers I needed. When I got there, they said they don't file taxes from other states. Since I moved here in January of 2014, I had a little bit of work in New York that I had to deal with. I went home and tried to file them on H&R Block's website which claimed to be free. They did say state tax would be $9.99 per state. Since I have royalty 1099 forms, I had to purchase this package that included the forms for $20...whatever. When I filed my state taxes, they wanted to charge me $37 per state. Because I bought the $20 package, state taxes were more expensive because of the package I bought. It makes no sense to me because state taxes have nothing to do with my royalty forms. Either way, I haven't officially filed them yet because I wanted to call H&R Block first to ask if there was a way around it. When I called, a computer said I could talk to him like he as a human. I didn't want that, I wanted to talk to an actual human. I was on hold for 15 minutes, then hung up because I had to leave. Ugh! I'll try again another time. But I don't want to pay $95 for my "free" taxes...

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