Friday, April 17, 2015

Not Prepared

I have a 5K race tomorrow and I am NOT prepared AT ALL. Every day when I get home from work, I plan on running. That never seems to happen because I come up with too many excuses: I was at work later than usual, I'm tired, I have papers to grade, I have to cook dinner. I'm so full of excuses it's pathetic. Of course I have high expectations for myself for my run tomorrow and will be disappointed if I don't get a good time. I shouldn't be disappointed though. I didn't really train for this. I ran the race in 22:47 last year, which is my best 5K time. I finished 6th overall and 1st in my age group. This year, it's the same course as last year. I'm not sure what my goal is for this race. I'll be happy with anything under 24 minutes I guess, which is 8 minutes a mile. We will see what happens!

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