Sunday, July 8, 2012

Birthday Fun

I don't know why everyone puts so much time, effort, and emphasis on having such a great day on your birthday.  I do it too.  I make sure I don't work on my birthday.  We try to plan fun activities.  We go out to eat, get drinks, and maybe drink too much.  We get presents from family and friends.  All of this for what?  Each day we get older.  On your birthday, you just happen to have a new age number than you had the previous day.  What's all the hoopla for?  I planned on going out to bars tonight with my friends because a lot of bars in the area offer free drinks on birthdays.  I went to one place for lunch today that had my free beer and wings.  During lunch, I realized that I had had plenty to drink last night and I really didn't feel like going out to drink tonight.  Instead, I had a ton of fun going to play mini golf and eat ice cream with my two best friends.  It was much more fun than drinking way too much and staying out late.  I still had a very fun day.  Naturally, I love presents and will continue to make sure I have a "fun" birthday every year.  I just don't get why turning a new age is such a big deal.  I am now a quarter of a century years old.  Tomorrow I will be a day older and the next day a day older.  It's part of life.  Anyways, enough ranting for one night...later!

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