Friday, August 31, 2012

One week ago today

Our last day at sea was already a week ago.  I went out on deck about 9:30 until about 3:45.  There was an extremely light shower that lasted literally 15 seconds.  Other than that, nothing but sun.  I spent about half an hour going on the slide on the ship 10 times because I felt the need to do that.  I then spent some time in the hot tub on the serenity deck.  The serenity deck is for adults.  It's an area that is kept quiet.  It was very relaxing to sit in the hot tub and not listen to kids screaming all day.  Later in the day, a guy took a 300 pound block of ice and started carving away.  In 15 minutes, he scraped off about half of the ice and made it into an Indian!  It was pretty sweet to watch it all unfold.  Later in the day I did another sports trivia.  The same 10 or so people ended up doing trivia every time it was offered.  The one guy thought I was going to win since I had my poker face on.  I laughed and said I didn't stand a chance.  Although in each of the trivias, there were a few questions that I knew the answer to that the others did not.  At dinner, the servers sang us a farewell song changing the lyrics to "Leaving on a jet plane".  After that, we packed and then watched the country show where once again, the cruise director showed another talent of his while he played the fiddle.  We went to the two comedy shows again and they were only ok.  The next morning, we were up very early, ate, and waited for our number to be called before we left the ship.  we had a flight from Tampa to Baltimore and then a three hour layover until we went to Albany.  I started having horrible stomach pains right before we left the ship.  I just got over the pains yesterday!  Our flight from Baltimore was supposed to leave at 5:45.  We were on the plane waiting and then they said we had to move planes because the toilet didn't work on this plane.  As we started moving, they told us to stay on the plane and we would leave shortly.  We didn't leave for another 30 minutes.  It was 6:30 by the time we left even though we were due to arrive in Albany at 6:55.  Since I felt absolutely miserable, that didn't help matters!  Our cruise came and went way too quickly.  It was by far some of the best days I've had in my life.  Although vacations are very expensive and I always have a million things going on in my head, I hardly thought of any of that while on the ship.  I really did get my chance to relax.  I have no idea when I will get the opportunity to do that again.  I definitely want to plan another cruise soon.  I have no idea when I will go on one again, though.  Until then, it's back to school next Thursday.  Now that I'm home again, I hope to finish my book by the end of the month!

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