Sunday, November 18, 2012

Grammar, Punctuation, and Spelling

I am very good about reading over my blogs and making sure there are no spelling and grammar errors.  Whenever I walk around my computer lab and watch students type, I am always hounding them about indenting paragraphs, capitalizing, and correct grammar.  However, I noticed that in my blogs, I never indent.  I'm pretty sure that I don't indent because when I hit tab, it doesn't indent in this program.  I'm not exactly sure why it doesn't indent.  I know I can hit the space bar several times to show that it's indented.  I apparently can't be bothered to do that though, haha.  I'm such a hypocrite at times.  At least I edit each post for grammar and punctuation!  Maybe one day I will start indenting my paragraphs in my blogs.  That's another thing, I don't separate paragraphs.  I just babble on and on.  It's okay, you all get the point.  This blog is meant for writing my thoughts.  It's not meant to be a published book!

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