Thursday, November 29, 2012


It's amazing how reliant we are on having the Internet readily available at all times.  Today at school, the Internet went down in the entire district.  It started working again after about half an hour.  My Internet worked fined, but no one else in my school had working Internet.  People in other schools had working Internet.  No one could explain why it didn't work.  Teachers were freaking out because they use the Internet for lessons and videos and all sorts of good stuff.  The problem is that they don't have any backup plans because they expect the Internet to work.  That's understandable.  However, it's technology and technology doesn't always work.  It's great when it works, but horrible when it doesn't.  I have one teacher getting observed tomorrow and she is in a huge panic because her lesson is based on the Internet.  Everyone was asking me to fix it.  Unfortunately, when it doesn't work in the entire district, I can't do anything to fix it.  Even if it is out in my school, I typically can't fix it because it is a network problem.  Someone said they would come today and fix it but did not show up.  I told her that she needs to come first thing tomorrow if/when it doesn't work.  I hope that when I go to work tomorrow everything magically works!

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