Thursday, December 13, 2012

200th Blog Post!

I can't believe I have written so many entries in this blog.  I have done an excellent job of sticking to my goal of writing in it each day.  The only days I have missed were days that I was in a hotel room or on a boat.  I started writing everyday on May 24 of this year.  I had a few very short and pathetic posts before that as I started this blog.  So far, this blog has over 2,600 views!  That's well over 10 views a day!  Awesome!  I wonder how many views I can get as I continue writing.  I hope with my 3-day free book promotion the next 3 days, more people will start viewing this blog.  Tomorrow is a big day for me.  I'm going to a technology conference.  I am presenting with 5 of my students from newspaper club.  Together, we will show people how we create the school newspaper.  I will also show people a few other things my school does with Google Documents in the classroom.  I have to admit, I'm pretty nervous.  I hope the kids show more interest in presenting tomorrow than they did during a practice run today!  As I already said, both of my books will be free tomorrow through Sunday.  I'll be busy tweeting and promoting that tomorrow in addition to my all day conference.  I then have 2 different holiday parties to go to.  I'll be one thoroughly exhausted dude tomorrow night.  I have no idea how many books will sell tomorrow.  I think it will be a lot more than my first two days of free promotion because I have sent the link to several dozen different websites.  I just hope they list it on their websites!  We will see what happens this weekend!  I hope to hit the top 100 list in my genre again and maybe even sneak into the overall top 100!  That's a huge goal though because my peak last time it was free was about 2,200 in overall free kindle sales.  You never know, though!

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