Monday, December 10, 2012

Independent vs. Dependent

We all strive to be independent.  The only people they don't want to be independent these days are kids.  They are so used to being coddled that they want to live their lives that way.  They want the teachers to do everything for them, including their school work.  It's tough for very old people to lose their independence.  My grandpa is going to get a limited license soon because he has poor eye sight.  That means he can only drive during the day and not on night.  That means my mom and I will have to drive him and my grandma around more often.  They are lucky we live so close.  My grandpa is not happy about this.  It makes sense.  People don't like to ask for help.  We are so used to being independent that it's hard for us to ask for help when we need it.  We need to learn that at times, we are going to need all of the help we can get.  You should never tell someone, "Let me know what I can do to help." or "Call me if you need anything."  You will be waiting by the phone for a long time.  It's in our nature not to call for help.  You should just say, "I'm going to help you by doing..."  I'm not really sure what gave me the idea to write about being independent.  I thought of it last night and decided to go with it.

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