Saturday, January 12, 2013

Shopping For Clothes

I cannot stand shopping at all.  I want it to go as quickly as possible.  Today, I decided to shop for clothes.  I needed a bunch of new ones.  As I started shopping, I started getting worked up, got a headache, started sweating, and was short of breathe.  No lie!  Shopping is very stressful.  I don't like big crowds.  I also don't like trying to figure out what looks good and what doesn't look good.  I'm a guy, therefore, I have no sense of matching.  I also don't like putting clothes on in the fitting room.  I went to five different stores today.  I bought things at four stores.  My credit card got a workout.  I was expecting my credit card company to call me and ask if someone stole my card.  I never spend that much money in a day.  Sometimes you have to do what you have to do.  I got some really good deals, too.  I got stuff for 60% off!  The most shocking part about today was that I didn't get home until one and didn't even feel hungry!  Normally when I don't eat lunch at 12, something is terribly wrong.  I shopped for well over 3 hours, which is 3 hours more than I wanted to spend shopping.  when I am busy or stressed, I sometimes don't think about the hunger in my stomach.  It's very rare for me though.  At least I finally have some good looking clothes!  I'm glad it's over with and I don't plan on shopping like that for another 5 or so years!

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