Friday, January 11, 2013

Why I Despise Cell Phones

I remember back in 1999 when I was in sixth grade.  We were on our class trip and our bus broke down on the way home.  We were in the middle of nowhere.  At that time, cells phones were rare.  Shockingly, one of our teachers had one.  However, the battery was dead.  Good times, good times.  I got my first cell phone when I was 16.  My parents bought me one since I was now driving.  It was meant to be used for emergencies only.  Texting was not really thought of then.  I found out texting came out about 20 years ago.  However, when I was 16, it wasn't used.  I think I am on my 5th cell phone.  I broke one by getting pushed to the ground and sitting on it (that's why I go to the gym now).  I had a Razr for over three years.  I am going on my third year of having my iPhone 3GS.  When the kids see me with my phone, they ask me if it's an iPhone 5 and think I am lame when I tell them it's a 3GS.  I didn't want an iPhone.  When I bought it, I decided to get it because every phone required a data plan at that point and this phone gave me the most features for a reasonable price.  I don't like cell phones because no one talks to each other anymore, it's all texting.  It's a huge distraction.  It's a complete waste of time.  When I am busy reading or writing, people text me nonstop.  Naturally, that only happens when I'm trying to be productive.  I've seen kids as young as first grade with cell phones texting.  I'm sure they are texting each other nothing but, "Hi."  I had a first grader tell me when he arrived at school that he had to check his phone to see if anyone texted him.  I told him, "Absolutely not!"  You shouldn't have a phone until you are 16 in my opinion.  Whenever people hang out with their friends, they don't talk face to face.  They text their friends stuff they don't want some other friends in the room to hear.  It's ridiculous.  Cell phones have taken away from social interaction.  People in my generation are going to have carpel tunnel from texting 3,000 times a month.  People are always on their phones texting, on Facebook, playing a game, but never talking.  Who talks on a phone anymore?  The only time people talk on the phone is when they are driving, which is illegal!  They also text while driving.  Are you kidding me?  I can't imagine how hard it is to text while driving.  How many accidents has that caused?  Although I don't like cell phones, of course I also text, go on Facebook, and text people that are in the same room.  It's just how our society is in the present period.  I loved being on the cruise because I didn't touch my cell phone for a few days.  I'm sure I can survive without it.  I know way too many people that, "Can't survive without their cell phones!"  Give me a break.  I think you will live without it.  I wish I did!

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