Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Shredding Paper

After my sophomore year of high school, I wanted to take all of my notes from that year and shred them. For whatever reason, it was a big thrill for me to shred all of that paper. Let me tell you, it was a lot of paper! I think I had two large garbage bags full of shredded paper. Today wasn't so fun. I have a large accordion file with tons of pay stubs, credit card statements, car insurance stuff, retirement info, etc. I decided to throw some of the stuff out that was from last year and before. I don't need pay stubs from 2012 since taxes are over with. I had to shred all of that stuff for safety. I didn't have nearly as much as I did in high school. Shredding paper isn't quite as fun as it seems.

1 comment:

  1. Good going, Shane! Shredding important documents that are no longer of any use is an ideal way to prevent data theft. Practicing this is a good way to eliminate any possibilities of shared information be used against you. I hope you keep on doing this practice!

    Ruby Badcoe @ Williams Data Management
