Monday, July 1, 2013

We're Halfway There

Whenever we were halfway through a set in swim practice, we would start singing, "livin' on a prayer" (We're halfway there) by Bon Jovi. By the way, I'm seeing him perfrom at SPAC three weeks from tonight! Anyway, we are already halfway through 2013! Let's take a look at how I'm doing with my New Years Resolutions.

-I will publish book #3 by continuing to work on it more often than I did last year.
I published book 3 at the end of February. I started to come up with characters for book 3 in "The Teacher That..." series, but haven't done anything since then. Shame on me.
-I will get a teaching job by applying, applying, applying, and more applying.
Still no teaching job. However, I have applied to more jobs than ever. I have probably applied to over 40 jobs all over the place in the past month. I also revised my resume and cover letter several times.
-I will eat smaller portions at dinner and fewer desserts at night by exercising serious will power and having less junk in the house. 
Yeah... This one is not happening. I still eat large portions and plenty of dessert because I have no will power.
-I will be more productive at night after work by reading and writing more instead of sitting at the computer and/or watching TV.
I have my moments of productivity. I also have more lazy moments. I have read 3 books in the past week, which is practically a world record for me.
-I will go to the gym more than two times a week.  No more excuses!
I did really well with this until June. Then I started playing tennis instead of going to the gym. However, now its raining everyday so I can't play tennis. I finally went to the gym today for the first time in several weeks.
-I will be more positive about my future and stop saying, “I’ll have a teaching job 10 years from now” sarcastically.
I'm getting better at this. I still have moments of relapse and desperation.
-I will go on all three vacations I have in mind and not worry about how much they will cost.  I will worry about how much fun they will be!
I unfortunately didn't go to Cedar Point like I planned. I went to visit my friend instead. I still have my cruise coming up at the end of August!
-I will put X dollars into my retirement fund by budgeting the money I make. 
I put that money into retirement already!
-I will find a publisher to take my book(s) by continuing to send out query letters.
I sent out many query letters during my April break. I haven't done anything since then. Ironically one agent responded today with a rejection. Shocking, I know...
-I will pay it forward to less fortunate people instead of buying myself something I do not need.
I started off the year pretty well with this, and then haven't done much.
Overall, I'm doing fairly well on my resolutions. As always, there's room for improvement. I actually watched the movie New Years Eve last night where the lady tried to take care of all of her resolutions on the last day of the year. I have certainly put in much more effort into getting a teaching job than I previously have. Now I need it to happen. We will see what the next 6 months bring! 

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