Sunday, October 13, 2013

Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead

I was watching a show on the Travel Channel when a commercial came on about a movie called Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead. They said it was available for free online. I decided to watch it. It's about this Australian guy who was over 300 pounds. He decided to drink nothing but juice for 60 days. He had to get it cleared with doctors first. He bought a juicer and bought lots of fruits and vegetables. Each meal he would take fresh fruits and vegetables and grind them up with the juicer. He could only drink that and water everyday for 60 days. After a few days, his energy level was way up. He lost over 90 pounds after 60 days. Once the 60 days was over, he added nuts and beans to his diet. He is keeping a similar diet and hopes to never go back to his bad eating habits. He ran into a guy who was 428 pounds. He was able to get this man to try the juice diet. He lost 202 pounds! I cannot imagine drinking nothing but fruit and vegetable juice for 60 days. He has gotten people to do it for a few days. He said that every little bit can help. He interviewed many overweight people and they all said the same thing. They have no willpower when it comes to food. That's why they eat so much. They all said they could never do this diet. I agree with them. No way would I be able to drink nothing but vegetables.

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