Sunday, February 2, 2014

Little Ceaser's

My friend and I ordered pizza from Little Ceasar's today. We went to pick it up and the total was $8.64. I took out cash to pay. However, the cashier hands me the receipt and a gift card back and tells us to have a great day. I was very confused. We walked out and my friend see's my confused look. He thought maybe I gave her a gift card. I didn't. We drop the pizza off in the car and go back because we basically stole food. We go back in and the cashier said she thought I handed her the gift card, which I didn't. The customer before me gave her the gift card saying he didn't want it anymore. He must have thought there was nothing left on it. There must have been at least $8.64 on it because it came off when she swiped it for my bill. Long story short, she was able to put the money back on the card and I paid cash. Hopefully the person who gave her the gift card will come back for it. I walked out of the place the first time feeling like I stole from them. I could not have lived with myself if I drove home with a gift card and a free pizza. I am happy I went back in and was honest about what happened. Now I can sleep well tonight. Oh wait, I never sleep well anyway. At least I did the right thing.

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