Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Me Time

I'm starting to realize how important and valuable "me" time is for me. I know that I live all alone and that I always have me time. What I mean is I need time to myself where I don't do anything but watch TV or a movie. I try not to think about what's going to happen in the classroom the next day. I focus on trying to relax my mind. This is my first time having a full time teaching job. I get home at night and I am drained! If I don't set time aside to relax, I will go nuts. My blood pressure will go through the roof. I had a doctors appointment two days after I moved. I had to have one for my job. I was shocked when the doctor told me my blood pressure was only about 113/68 or something like that. That's extremely low for me! I thought it would be a lot higher because of the stress of moving. I also joined a gym almost immediately. I will be going at least three times a week so that I can run or lift my stress away. Taking time out to do what you love instead of the things you "need" to do is just as important as accomplishing the things on your to do list.

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