Wednesday, October 1, 2014

How Full is Your Bucket?

I read a book today to the kids called How Full is Your Bucket? It's about a boy who says hurtful things to his sister in the beginning. His grandfather tells him he is taking away from his sisters bucket. He thought his grandpa was joking. The next day, he had a dream about a bucket over his head. Then in the morning, his mom was yelling at him before school and kids were making fun of him at school. That bucket was emptying out. Then he was called to make a presentation and the kids loved it and his bucket filled up. The moral of the story was that we all have feelings and an invisible bucket. We made "buckets" today and tomorrow we will be filling it up with positive things. I still have something I did in 6th grade that was similar to that. Kids wrote positive things about me and my teacher put them together and gave it to me.  I will be showing my kids that tomorrow. My bucket was filled up this afternoon when a teacher who has been there for 9 years told me that I was one of the best first year teachers this early in the year that she has ever seen! She said that I take constructive criticism and make changes right away, show passion in my teaching, and keep pushing the kids for success. I told the kids that adults have buckets and need positive feedback too. It makes us all happy inside! Corny, I know, but we seriously do all need positive feedback in our lives.

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