Wednesday, October 15, 2014

What I wish I Knew Before I Started Teaching

While I was working out today (finally), a thought came into my head. I always do my best thinking when I don't have pen, paper, or a phone around me. Funny how that works. My next book should be titled something like, What I wish I knew Before I Started Teaching. I could list so many things such as the things kids do that you don't expect, the way parents act, the way other adults act, administrators, how to deal with certain situations, and on and on. They need to have a book that tells teachers what to do if such and such happens. The such and such needs to be the most unexpected thing that no one would think of, because that's what happens every day in a school! Teachers have to be spontaneous, expect the unexpected, and react the appropriate way without a millisecond of thought. This book could sell millions of copies! Oh wait, I don't have time to write a book. I'll be busy writing lesson plans and grading papers.

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