Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Killing Trees

Most teachers must not care about the environment at all. The amount of photocopies we make every day is insane. I probably make between 50-100 and day, and that's pretty low compared to some teachers! The hot times for the copier are first thing in the morning and immediately after school. If you want to make copies Monday morning or Friday afternoon, forget it. That's when teachers are being proactive or procrastinating. Naturally only 1 out of the 2 copiers will work at that time. One is always inevitably jammed. #teacherproblems It would be nice if there was a way we wouldn't have to use so much paper. I'm going to start using a math workbook for some of my homework. The kids can write in it since we won't use the book anymore after this year. It's still common core aligned, which is good. The less paper we use, the better it is for our environment. Save trees!

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