Monday, September 15, 2014

Saying Numbers

I'm spending about a quarter of the year this year on place value and rounding. Part of that is how to say numbers, write them in expanded form, and write them in word form. I try very hard to teach my kids that they do not say the word "and" in numbers. The number 467 is four hundred sixty-seven, not four hundred AND sixty-seven. The and means decimal point. I will be teaching that later in the year. It's very hard to teach my kids this when adults all over the place say and in their numbers. Even on videos that are supposed to teach kids, adults say and! Seriously? I hear it all of the time in sports and in other news stories. It's not that difficult. When you deal with money, you say $26 and 15 cents. Why? Because there's a decimal point after the dollar amount. There's no decimal point in the number 529. Do me a favor and say your numbers correctly for your kids sake!

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