Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Teacher Aide

I have been lucky enough to been given a teacher aide to work in my room with me. Unfortunately, she is pulled out of my room for hours at a time to cover this room and that room. It happens more often than it should, but I adapt. I cannot begin to tell you how amazing my aide is. If I didn't have her, I'd be drowning. She makes photocopies, laminates, grades the tests I give, models how stuff I am going to assign needs to look, grades the homework, and so much more. That's all stuff that I assumed I would be doing. When I first started, I felt so bad that she was doing all of this. I started doing all of it myself until she stopped me and said that she is the one that should be doing that. I couldn't believe it. I'm so happy that my aide and I work so well together!

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