Sunday, May 11, 2014


I cannot tell you the last time I went to bed at 5AM. I've seen that time when getting up, but rarely do I see it before I go to bed. I've also seen that time when I've done overnight shifts at the grocery store. Other than that, I'm guessing the last time I went to bed at or after 5AM was prom night 10 years ago or so. It's unheard of for me. My body physically can't stay up that late. However, last night it somehow did. My friends and I normally hang out until late. Last night was even later than usual for some reason. As always, I had a ton of fun. However, I'm paying the price right now because it's only 6:42 and I can hardly function. I plan on going to bed early tonight, but whenever I plan to go to bed early, it never happens.

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