Wednesday, December 31, 2014

What in the World?

What in the world will 2015 bring? Each year on this blog I wrap up my year and look at the next year. Since I wrapped up my year on December 11, I'm not going to do that this time. I did that because that was a big one year anniversary for me. I have had 3 different jobs this year. I started as a computer aide for two weeks, then a first grade teacher, and I finished as a 4th grade teacher. This year was amazing! I've done so much more than I would have ever imagined I would do. I have no clue what's in store for 2015. I could land a job in a different state again. My books could strike it big. I could stay at the same school for another school year. I haven't the foggiest of ideas. I'm not making any resolutions this year either. Whatever happens happens. I will tell you that I am going to continue to take every opportunity I can. That means I'm going to keep going to college basketball games, concerts, and any other events that pop up if I can afford to go. I gotta live life to the fullest and enjoy every moment. I sure did that this year and I greatly look forward to the adventures that will take place in 2015!

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