Sunday, December 22, 2013

Book Three Put on Hold

Do you remember my blog post titled "Long Day Again"? I told you I'd explain why it was a long day. Now is that time. On Friday, December 6, I saw a Facebook status of one of my friends from college. He got a teaching job in North Carolina. He said there were still teaching positions open. I emailed my resume to the principal Sunday the 8th. He called me Monday the 9th and asked when I could get down for an interview. I asked him if I could interview through phone or Skype but he said no. I booked my flight that night for Wednesday the 11th. My flight was at 6:20AM. I got to the school at about 12, had my "interview", and he hired me an hour later. Then I went to Human Resources to fill out paper work, the doctors to take a drug test, and then back to the airport to catch my flight home. I got home at about 10:30. I went to North Carolina and back in one day. That's why it was a long day! On my flight home, I had 905723087 things going on in my head. I was freaking out thinking about if I was going to take this job and move my life down south. It came down to one simple question. If I don't take this teaching job, will I regret it for the rest of my life? Yes. Therefore, I accepted the job as a 1st grade teacher at an elementary school in Shannon, North Carolina. You haven't heard of Shannon? Of course you haven't because the population is about 300 people! However, it's in Robeson County, which has about 40 schools and 25,000 kids. I plan to live in or near Fayetteville, North Carolina. I will be moving down on Monday, January 20 and starting school the next day. Because of all of this, I am not worrying about editing my book for a long time. My first priority is having a successful move. My next priority is getting settled in and caught up with what I need to teach. Once everything settles down, I'll jump back into editing my book. I have no plans on when I'll publish it. I am not mad at all that my book won't be published in January like I had originally planned. Getting a teaching job is a good reason to put the project on hold. It will be published when it gets published. After 5 years of searching and searching, I am finally about to start a job in the field that I went to college for!

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