Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Military Town

I live a few minutes away from Fort Bragg. That means there are a lot of military people in the town. I get asked at stores all of the time if I am military because of my short hair. My response should be, "Do you see me? Yes you do because I'm not wearing camouflage, therefore no, I am not military." Military people get discounts at various stores. Trust me, if I were military, I would tell you so that I could get my discount. It's weird living so close to a base because I randomly hear bombs going off. My apartment shakes all of the time from the action on the base. It's creepy and a little comforting knowing military is so close. The first time I heard the bombs go off I jumped out of my skin. Now I'm used to it and hardly notice it even though they went off all day today.

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