Friday, February 8, 2013

My Uneeded Yet Needed Day Off

I'm sure my superintendent kicked himself all day for closing school because of the big storm that just started 5 hours ago.  Weathermen always blow storms way out of proportion.  Weathermen and politicians are the only two professions that people can be wrong all of the time and still have a job.  When I woke up and saw that school was cancelled, there was no snow on the ground.  It started at about 9AM and it literally snowed a dusting until around 2.  Then it didn't start snowing again until about 6.  Now it's sticking.  We definitely could have and should have had school.  I'm not complaining though.  It was awesome to have our first snow day of the year.  All of the teachers definitely needed this day off.  As teachers were leaving yesterday I would say, "Hopefully I don't see you tomorrow."  That turned out to be true.  Our district allows us to have a maximum of three in a year.  This is also a three day weekend.  One good thing about teaching is that if it snows, we are one of the only professions that get the day off and it's paid.  It can't get much better than that.  I was able to finish my first entire read through of my book to edit it.  I started reading through it a second time.  I plan to finish it tomorrow.  Then it's off to my mom for an edit, then back to me for one final edit.  As always, my mom is ridiculously busy so I don't know when she will get to editing my very short book.  Hopefully soon.  Like I said, the book should definitely be out by the beginning of March.  All in all, it was a productive snow day.  I worked out in the morning and edited my book.  Nothing too exciting.  Tomorrow will be filled with shoveling and more editing.

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