Thursday, January 23, 2014


I apologize for the break in posts. As most of you know, I moved into my new condo in North Carolina on Monday. It's been a whirlwind since then. I haven't had time to breathe. I was lucky to get out of my training at 6:40 tonight instead of 8. I have taken it really easy tonight even though I have a ton of things to do. My weekend plans are to do some of the online paperwork I have to do for work and to do some more shopping for things I "need". I also have to get some things ready for next Monday with the kids. Today was my first day with them and their last teacher gave them a lot of jobs, like line leader, caboose, paper passer, snack passer, etc. I'm going to make out a list of those jobs and a list of their names so I make sure they all have a job and they rotate so each student has something to do. Lots to do with my new class!

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