Wednesday, January 15, 2014


There is a local sports store that has been trying to give away a $50 gift card for each playoff football game. No one has won it yet. You have to like their page on Facebook to enter in the contest. You have to guess the correct score of the game. It's nearly impossible to do. Someone suggested that they take all of the entrants that have the winning team and draw a winner for a $10 gift card. They did that and I won the gift card! I went to the store yesterday to get my prize and buy something. A store like this has the usual shirts, hoodies, and jerseys. It also has ridiculously overpriced novelty items that no one needs. I found a nice Dallas polo shirt I liked, but didn't want to spend a lot of money. I ended up buying a fat head of a Dallas Cowboys player. After my $10 off, I paid like $6. Not bad. Now I will have some sort of decoration for my new room! On the same day, I found out I won another prize. If you liked and shared a photo for TCBY, you were entered to win a 6 pack of ice cream sandwiches. They drew my name. I went to pick that up and found out a 6 pack is $12! That's a lot of money for 6 ice cream sandwiches. Winning stuff, especially through Facebook giveaways is pretty sweet!

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