Monday, February 17, 2014

My Fault!

A couple of weeks ago, I got a bill from the electric company. Once I had money in my bank account, I went to the electric company's website and put in my routing and bank account number and paid the bill. A few days later, I checked my bank account and the money hadn't come out yet. I found it strange, but didn't think anything of it. Last Monday, I got an email from my electric company saying that the payment was returned from my bank, meaning it didn't go through. I called my bank and they said it should have worked, but that I should pay for it through the bank's website. I did and that worked. I then got a letter in the mail Saturday from the electric company saying that they are charging me $5 since the money didn't go through the first time. I called the company today and they said there was nothing they could do about the fee. I called the bank and they said there was nothing they could do about the fee. The lady from the bank called my electric company so they could figure out what happened. The electric lady asked me to read my bank account number and I did. The bank lady stopped me and said that I had it wrong. I was missing a number. I wrote down the wrong number on my account book! I looked on my banks website and the correct number was listed. I didn't even think that that was the problem. I thought that the bank messed something up. I was so apologetic and embarrassed because I accused the bank of doing something wrong when in fact it was my stupidity. I grudgingly paid the $5 fee. I'm lucky it wasn't more. The water company rejected my pay too and now I know why. I hope they don't charge me with an extra fee. If they do, I will pay that too since it was my fault. At least I am man enough to admit to my mistakes. A lot of people don't admit when they are wrong. I need to pay closer attention to my bank account numbers next time! I gave my mom the wrong number for taxes. Now instead of them giving me direct deposit soon, I will have to wait for a check in the mail in a month or two. That's what I get for not writing down the correct account number...

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