Wednesday, February 26, 2014

No Voice

I tried something today. I pretended to have no voice during school. I spent the entire morning and a little bit of the afternoon whispering to my kids. The goal in doing that was to get them to be quiet so that could hear me. It kind of worked for a little while. Since they are so young, they believed I had no voice. I even kept the act up when a teacher would come in the room and ask me something. In the afternoon, I had to stop. They needed to hear my real voice yell at them. It was hard to whisper all morning. I was whispering really loudly when I was angry at them. Another teacher saw me standing on a chair talking to the kids today and asked if he should be scared. I told him no. I have been trying my hardest to come up with unique ways to get my kids to focus. Many seem to work for all of 5 minutes. Then they start talking to one another. I am determined to get my students to pay attention to me.

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