Friday, April 12, 2013

For Spanish, Press 1

First of all, I can't stand talking to a robot on the phone. They have way too many options to choose from. Once you get through the long list of items and finally get to a human being, they will still ask you what your question is even though you practically answered it by hitting a specific number 13 different times. A lot of times, the computer will say, "For Spanish, press one, for English, press 2." Um, we live in the United States. If anything, English should be 1. However, they should not ask to give directions in Spanish at all. Everything these days has English and Spanish directions. If you live in America, you have to know English! If I moved to Spain, I would have to be fluent in Spanish. If I moved to Germany, I would have to know German. That's the way it should be. I wouldn't expect Germany to have English directions for me. Everything would have to be in German and I would have to know how to speak and write it gooder than I do English. Is that so much to ask for? That's the end of my random rant of the night.

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