Friday, September 21, 2012

The positives and negatives of fall

The sixth graders came into the lab today.  Once they finished what they had to do on the computer, they were told to write anything they wanted in their journals.  Naturally, none of them knew what to write about.  I kept throwing out suggestions.  One that I repeatedly said was write what you like and dislike about fall.  Since I kept saying it, I decided to write about it myself.  I love fall for the real apple cider doughnuts and apple cider.  I love fall because football season starts.  I love fall because it's almost time for the baseball playoffs.  College basketball starts in the fall and I that is one of my favorite sports.  I do not like fall because I cannot stand raking.  I don't like fall because it starts to get colder.  I will take the warm over the cold any day, even though I went to Potsdam where they have two seasons, Winter and July.  I thought I had more dislikes than those two.  They definitely out way the likes though.  I don't like spending my days off raking.  Oh well, you gotta do what ya gotta do.  If the sixth graders wrote half as much as I did just know, I'd be happy.  Did they?  Of course not!

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