Saturday, January 19, 2013


I remember I think 2 or 3 summers ago (okay, fine, I don't remember exactly when it was) I would go to the movie theater all the time.  There were always movies I wanted to see.  Last year, I saw 2 movies at the theater.  I saw Hunger Games in March and Ted in July.  That was it.  I didn't even have an urge to rent any movies either because nothing seemed to capture my attention.  Another reason why I only went to two movies was because they are unbelievably expensive!  Who wants to pay $11 to see a movie for an hour and a half?  Today, I went to see Lincoln.  I'm already on pace to see more movies than last year, haha.  The movie was good.  It was 2 and a half hours!  Most movies that are made now are typically only an hour and a half and are remakes of earlier movies.  I also notice that I have a hard time sitting for that long to watch a movie.  In the theater, I don't have any choice but to stay there.  When I try to watch movies at home, I can't make it through the entire thing anymore unless the movie really grabs my attention.  My mind is always wandering off to the 49873290 other things I have to do.  I wish I had a better attention span to watch movies.  I hope better movies come out this year too.

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