Wednesday, January 30, 2013

The Help

I read the book The Help and just started watching the movie.  Since I'm always so busy and don't have the attention span to sit and watch a 2 and a half hour movie right now, I will finish it tomorrow.  It's an excellent book and a great movie so far.  I highly recommend it.  It's about black maids working for white people in Jackson, Mississippi in the 1960's.  It talks about the perspective of the black workers.  The book discusses how the blacks were treated.  The book is about a white person writing a book that has interviews from the maids.  One thing I didn't like about it was that the author is white.  Throughout the entire book, she writes as a narrator for various black maids.  I feel like it would be very hard to capture exactly how black people talked back then as a white person.  I'm not saying that to be mean.  I'm just saying that the dialect she used was challenging to read at first.  I still think the author did a very good job of showing the reader what it was like back then.  Obviously I have no idea what it was like because I wasn't born yet and have never had maids work for me.  I can't imagine having people do my work for me.  It's horrible to think about.  It's devastating to read and see what black people had to go through in he 1960's and before.  It still isn't perfect today, but is much better than it was back then.  When I first heard about the book The Help, I thought it was written for women.  I decided to read it anyway and realized it's not a book just for women.  I'm extremely glad I read it because it puts a whole new perspective on life.  If you are looking for a good read that will get you thinking, read The Help by Kathryn Stockett.  You will be happy you did.

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