Monday, January 7, 2013

The Title of my New Book Is...

I'm sorry.  I am not telling you today.  I did come up with what I think is going to be the title of my new book.  This book has nothing to do with the first two books I wrote.  This book is a list of things that people should not do in a grocery store.  I have a long list of things that I listed and then I am writing a paragraph explaining why you shouldn't do that in the grocery store.  After I email the person that did the cover for my first two books, 5 people will know the title of my book.  My agent um, I mean my mom, my dad, me (of course), a friend, and my illustrator will know the title.  I have no idea when I will release the title to the public.  I might not tell anyone else until I release the book.  It will be interesting to try something different.  I remember telling everyone the title of book two before it was officially out.  I have no idea when my book will be done.  I'm hoping to get it done by April for absolutely no reason whatsoever.  I am a little under halfway done with it at this point.  Obviously after I'm done writing it, I need to read it several times to edit it and format it.  Until then, I guess the suspense will be killing all of you that don't know the title of my new book.  I can't wait to share it with everyone.  I am very excited about this book!

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