Sunday, May 26, 2013


My grandparents, aunt, uncle, and cousins came over for dinner today. We got talking about our ancestors, where they came from, who we are related to and how, etc. My mom had an obsession with genealogy a few years ago. She did a ton of research about who is related to who and what not. We talked for well over an hour about this. It's very hard to track down Jewish ancestors because they typically change their last names when they come over to America. You can easily spend an entire day looking up ancestors and ancestors and ancestors. I find this stuff very interesting. However, I don't see myself researching it for hours on end. I'll leave that to my mom. I've heard that everyone in the world is related to each other in some way. You probably have to go back many thousands of years to find out that I am your 167th cousin 93 times removed. It's very interesting stuff.

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