Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Whispering Teachers

I have pretty good ears. My eyes on the other hand, well, that's a different story... Since I'm a computer aide, teachers bring their kids to the computer lab for them to work. The teachers are "required" to stay in the room with the students. I'm guessing this is because I'm just an aide and not a "teacher". Whatever. Anyway, many times the teacher will whisper something to me about something a student has done. I can almost never hear what they are saying! I always nod and laugh when I see them laugh. I feel like my deaf grandmother. Whenever she doesn't hear you, (which is always) she just nods her head and laughs. I love that teachers come to me and tell me stories about things that have gone wrong. That means we have a great working relationship and they trust me. However, it would be nice to actually hear the stories! Obviously we can't be talking with our normal voices about whatever we are talking about. I just felt the need to write about this tonight because it has happened a lot lately. I had two or three teachers today alone whispering "secrets" to me. I love the people I work with at my school because everyone is so friendly and always greets you when you walk by each other. I never, ever, ever get that at the grocery store.

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