Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Audio Books

I didn't plan on attending tonight's #indiechat about audio books. I didn't think I'd be interested in ever making my book an audio book. I jokingly told my grandpa who can't see very well that I'd make an audio book for him. He bought my books anyway and read them with his extremely strong magnifying glass. I bet he still has a pain in his neck and back from leaning over to read my books. It was worth it though because my books are that good. Back on topic... I'm glad I joined the Twitter conversation tonight. It seems like doing an audio book would totally be worth it. I think I'd narrate my book myself in order to save money. If I had someone else narrate it, I'd either have to pay a fairly large fee, or split royalties for I think 7 years. However, I probably need better equipment and sound proofing things in my room to create my audio book. I would also need to talk slowly and clearly for a very long time. It would take several hours to read my 140 page book. It's something I'm going to have to look more into in the future. I'm trying to focus on writing book 3 first.

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