Monday, October 21, 2013


I've always been taught to give a firm handshake. But how firm is too firm? Whenever I'm about to shake someone's hand, many questions enter my mind in the few seconds before the actual handshake. This is a kid, do I give as firm of a handshake? This is a big guy, should I give him a bone crushing handshake? This is a woman, how firm will her handshake be? Some guys like to give bone crushing handshakes because they think they are so powerful by doing so. I always tend to go lighter when I shake a woman's hand. I really shouldn't do that. Some woman have very firm handshakes. If I weaken my shake for a woman, they may think I'm trying to be too gentle with them. If I give them a bone crushing handshake, they will be mad at me. The worst kind of handshake is the dead fish handshake. No one wants to give anyone one of those. It's the most awkward shake in the world. Then of course there's the "bro" handshake. That's when you shake the guys hand with your right hand and reach around and pat them on the back in a "bro hug" way with your left hand. That seems to be happening more and more these days. I never used to do that with other guys. Now I find myself doing that more and more, especially with people I don't see as often. It's amazing how much goes into one simple handshake. Yes, I have a very odd mind and these are the strange thoughts that enter them before every handshake with someone.

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