Wednesday, October 2, 2013

No More Cruises

Those of you who know me are shocked by this title. What I mean by no more cruises is that I don't want my next big vacation to be a cruise. I definitely plan on going on more cruises in the future. I am interested in doing something different next vacation though. I have three dream vacation spots. Two of them are not in my budget right now and the other is where I hope to go next. I have always wanted to go to Hawaii and Italy. I cannot tell you why because I have no idea why I want to go. I've heard nothing but good things about both places. The other place I've wanted to go for a long time is Las Vegas. I know that that is also going to be very expensive. I want to see some sort of show while there. I know that most tickets are over $100. I want to go there for 3-4 days. I have three breaks coming up. I'm looking to go either in the beginning of January, during my February break, or my April break. Obviously that's when they jack up the airfare because they know families take vacations at that time. I'll see what I can do and who wants to come. You are all invited! If you want to come, let me know!

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