Sunday, September 8, 2013

Do Principals get Nervous during Interviews?

It took me four years, but I finally had three interviews for teaching positions this summer. I struck out on all three, but at least I finally had some interviews. Naturally, I was incredibly nervous during each interview. I always wondered if principals get nervous while interviewing candidates. I'm assuming they don't. I think they should. They have a huge decision to make. They are probably interviewing between 5-10 people for each job they have open. They need to figure out who is the best person for the teaching job. What if the person they pick isn't good? What if that person is acting good but is lazy when he or she starts the job? Principals have every right to be nervous during interviews. They are such professionals that they are really good at hiding emotions. That's something I absolutely have to work on. During interviews, people can read me like a book. It's very clear that I'm nervous. Of course it's natural to be nervous, but I have to be able to mask it. I have lots of work to do!

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