Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Use one Word to Describe Yourself

Lately I've been thinking of titles and topics for blog posts and immediately putting it into my notes app in my iPhone so I don't forget.  I'm very proud of myself for coming up with topics in advanced.  As you know, I used to struggle to come up with topics while sitting at the computer trying to write a blog post!  I thought of the topic, "Use one word to describe your life" first and then thought of this one.  I have not come up with one word to describe my life so far.  The point of these two posts is to get people thinking.  I don't want responses such as, awesome, cool, fun, unfinished.  Also, I wouldn't want people to just say the one word.  They then have to explain themselves.  The word I came up with to describe myself is driven.  If you asked me this in high school, this word would not have come up.  I have no idea what word I would use, probably lazy.  In high school, I just did enough to skid by.  My GPA was an 83 and it was only that high because of band.  Gym did not count towards the overall GPA.  In college, I received a 3.54 out of 4.0 for my undergrad and 3.90 out of 4.0 in grad school.  Something clicked inside of me that said I needed to put effort in.  That drive started my freshman year of college and has not left me.  I put a ton of hard work and effort into everything I do.  In order to achieve goals in life, you have to put in hard work.  Unfortunately, many kids these days do not understand that.  They want everything spoon fed to them.  It's amazing some of the things the kids want me to do for them in the computer lab.  This goes from any age 5-11.  They want me to spell words for them, click on a website that I just showed them how to get to, and practically do their work for them.  It's scary.  My favorite is when I ask the younger kids how to make a capital letter on the keyboard.  They all tell me that they hit the caps lock key, type the letter, and then turn it off instead of holding shift.  That just shows the laziness many kids unfortunately have.  Hard work pays off in the long run.  Although I am still looking for my hard work to pay off, I know it will soon.  I truly believe that if you put a lot of hard work and effort into something you really want, you will be able to reach your goals.  You just need to realize that it will not come served on a silver plate to you.  You need to go out and fight to get what you want in life.  I have that drive and plan to put in 100% effort into everything I do until I physically cannot do it anymore.

"If you're bored with life-you don't get up every morning with a burning desire to do things-you don't have enough goals." -Lou Holtz

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